Welcome to Red and Black Publishers. We are a small publishing company in St Petersburg, Florida, specializing in books about history, political and social criticism, classic literature and science, alternative religions, and exotic pets.
All of our books are available from Amazon.com, Amazon.UK, or BarnesandNoble.Com . They can also be ordered through any bookstore.
All of our printed books are available as ebooks for the Amazon Kindle reader, and we also have a long list of ebooks that are not yet available in print but are now available in the Kindle format..
Available Titles in Print
By Category:
History -- American and World History
Social and Political Criticism -- Socialism, Anarchism, Marxism
Classics -- Classic Literature and Works of Science
Alternative Religions -- Taoism, Buddhism, Zen
Exotic Pets -- Iguanas, snakes, scorpions, millipedes, tropical cockroaches