

Hidden History: A Collection of Forgotten Mysteries, Oddities, and Unknown Stories from True History

By Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-61001-063-4. 204pp List Price $13.99

A collection of stories from true history. Forgotten tales, unsolved mysteries, strange oddities, and little-remembered incidents from the past. Includes--Who Really Shot Down the Red Baron? Was The Pirate Captain Kidd Actually Innocent? The True Story of the "Escape From Alcatraz". Did The "WOW!" Signal Come From ETs? The Day the Cops Bombed Philadelphia. The Strange Journey of Einstein's Brain. The Story Behind the Kalashnikov AK-47. The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty. The Strangest Wars in History. And more. Illustrated.

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Hidden History 2: Another Collection of Forgotten Mysteries, Oddities, and Unknown Stories From True History

by Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-61001-064-1. 200pp, List price $13.99

A collection of stories from true history. Forgotten tales, unsolved mysteries, and little-remembered incidents from the past. Includes: How Vasiliy Arkhipov Saved the World; What if the Moon Landing Had Failed?; Presidential Assassination Attempts; The Real Story of the Outlaw Jesse James; The Most Successful Fighter Pilot in History; America's Most Radical Founding Father; Edison, Westinghouse, and the "Current Wars"; and more. Illustrated.

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Hidden History 3: A New Collection of Forgotten Mysteries, Oddities, and Unknown Stories From True History

By Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-61001-072-6. 202 pp, List Price $13.99

A collection of oddities and forgotten stories from history. Includes: Martha, the Last Passenger Pigeon; The Tokaimura Nuclear Accident; The American Carrier Attacks on Pearl Harbor; The Republic of West Florida; Coxey's Army, the First "Occupiers"; The Strange History of Corn Flakes; Jimmy Stewart and the Abominable Snowman; and How John Leal Put Poison in Our Drinking Water and Saved Us All. Illustrated.

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Museum Pieces: The Forgotten History, Science, and Mystery Behind Some of the Most Interesting Museum Exhibits and Historical Places

By Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-61001-066-5. 200pp. List Price $13.99

The story behind some of the most interesting exhibits in the most museums of the world, from the Smithsonian, the London Natural History Museum, the Chicago Field Museum, Oslo's Viking Ship Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and others. Includes: "Sue", the most complete T rex skeleton ever found; how a little piece of Mars ended up on exhibit in Chicago; Ohka, the only airplane deliberately designed to kill its pilot; Drakkar, the Viking longship; the Hope Diamond and its curse; Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space; the Liberty Bell's trip from Philadelphia to Allentown, and others. Photos.

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Museum Pieces 2: More Forgotten History, Science, and Mystery Behind Some of the Most Interesting Museum Exhibits and Historical Places in the World

By Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-61001-065-8. 200pp. List price $13.99

The unknown story behind historical places and exhibits from some of the most famous museums in the world, including the Smithsonian, the Field Museum, and others. Includes: Chicago 1968, The Whole World Was Watching; The Life and Death of Skylab; Airphibian, The Car That Flies; Gettysburg, The Strange Story of Private Wesley Culp; When Whales Walked; America's Oldest City; and more. Illustrated.

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Voices From the 99 Percent: An Oral History of the Occupy Wall Street Movement

ISBN 978-1-610010-221, Paperback 6x9, 336pp, List Price $15.99.

"This is the first communique from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street." With those words, the Occupy Wall Street movement announced its presence to the world. Within just four weeks, the Occupy movement spread across the country and around the globe, and drastically changed the terms of political debate in the US. OWS is the first mass movement to appear in the US during the Internet age. Technically savvy, the Occupiers posted events as they happened, on the Web, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, livestreams, blogs, and other online resources. There were gripping accounts of being in the center of police actions in Boston and New York. There were hopeful pleas for social change. There were energetic calls to action. There were thoughtful descriptions of a new way of political organizing that had never been seen before in the US, revolving around words like "General Assemblies" and "consensus" and "Working Groups". OWS was not only making history--it was writing it as well. This is the story of Occupy Wall Street, in its own words. All proceeds from this book are being donated to the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

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Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial Collapse

by US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. ISBN 978-1-61001-214, Paperback 6x9, 402pp, List Price $16.99

In the first decade of the 21st century, the entire ideology of free market and deregulation failed spectacularly, as Wall Street melted down and the entire global economy collapsed into the deepest economic disaster since the Great Depression. It was greed-pure unfettered greed-which produced the collapse. This report by the US Senate's Subcommittee on Investigations, spells out the whole sad story, of how rampant greed and naked self-interest were allowed to take the entire nation-indeed even the entire global economic structure-to the brink of total collapse; how deregulation became license; how free market became too big to fail; how gamblers on Wall Street lost billions on risky bets, and how the taxpayers came to bail them out.

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The Afghanistan Papers: A Selection of Leaked US Military Field Reports From the Afghan War

ISBN 978-1-610010-009,  Paperback 6x9, 404pp, List Price $16.99.

The Afghanistan War from the inside. Over 800 classified reports by the troops in the field, presenting the reality of how the war is being fought on the ground. Assassinations, demonstrations, ambushes, IEDs. The unvarnished truth about the insurgent war that we are not winning.

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World, Incorporated: The History of the Supra-National Corporation and its Global Stranglehold on Freedom and Democracy

by Lenny Flank. ISBN: 978-1-61001-011-5. Paperback 6x9, 276pp, List Price $14.99.

It has become a truism in politics that "corporations have become too powerful". Few people understand, however, that there has been a vast shift in global power between 1990 and 2010; corporate power has now exceeded national power and global economic structures now have unchecked control over democratic governments. Power has passed to multi-national corporations who have no country, owe allegiance to no government, and answer to no nation. They have become supra-national. This book is a history of corporations, as they grew from small tightly-controlled public works to huge quasi-governmental behemoths who now have literal veto power over elected national governments.

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State of the Union: Selected Annual Presidential Addresses to Congress, from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Barack Obama and Others

ISBN 978-1-934941-59-1. Paperback 6x9, 372pp, List Price $16.99.

Selected State of the Union speeches from George Washington to Barack Obama.  The War of 1812, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War and the Cold War, Vietnam and Civil Rights, the end of the Cold War, the First Persian Gulf War, 9-11 and the Second Persian Gulf War, and the 2008 Economic Meltdown.

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My Fellow Americans: Presidential Inaugural Addresses from George Washington to Barack Obama

ISBN 978-1-934941-60-7. Paperback 6x9, 396pp, List Price $16.99.

Complete inaugural addresses of all the American Presidents.  "With malice toward none, with charity for all." -- Lincoln.  "The only thing we have to fear is -- fear itself." -- Roosevelt.  "Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country." -- Kennedy.

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The Great Communicator: Selected Speeches of President Ronald Reagan

ISBN 978-1-934941-79-9. Paperback 6x9, 404pp, List Price $16.99

A selection of speeches from Ronald Reagan. The conservative "Reagan Revolution", of free-market economics, the Religious Right, and American military power, dominated American politics for three decades. This volume includes the "Evil Empire" speech, the "Government is the problem" speech, the "Tear down this Wall" speech, and many others.

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The SALT II Treaty Debate: The Cold War Congressional Hearings Over Nuclear Weapons and Soviet-American Arms Control

by the US Senate. ISBN: 978-1-61001-017-7. Paperback 6x9, 318pp, List Price $15.99

By 1979, the Cold War was raging for some 30 years, and both the Soviet Union and the United States had built up huge arsenals of nuclear weapons-enough destructive power to kill every human on the planet several times over. In 1979, the SALT II nuclear weapons reduction treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and was submitted to the US Senate for ratification. Despite a public approval rating of 70%, the SALT II treaty ran into stiff opposition from the newly-emerging conservative political movement. Hawkish conservative groups were philosophically opposed to arms control, and instead favored a sharp increase in American military power. After Ronald Reagan won the 1980 elections, the Cold War re-ignited--the US undertook its most massive military expansion since the Second World War. This volume presents a selection of testimony before the US Senate's Foreign Relations Committee during the debate over the ratification of SALT II. The arguments that were made in 1979 reflect the tenor of those times, when the Cold War against the "Evil Empire" was about to heat up again to white hot levels, and when nuclear tensions reached their highest points since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

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Selected Speeches and Writings of Nelson Mandela: The End of Apartheid in South Africa

ISBN 978-1-934941-78-2. Paperback 6x9. 290pp, List Price $14.99.

For 30 years, the African National Congress, led by Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela, was the core of opposition to the white supremacist apartheid regime in South Africa. After organizing strikes and founding the armed military wing of the ANC, Mandela spent 27 years in jail before emerging as a worldwide symbol of human freedom. In 1994, Mandela became President of South Africa, in the first free election in that nation's history. This anthology is a collection of Mandela's speeches and writings, from his statement to the South African court that sentenced him to life in prison, to his acceptance of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, to his speeches as South Africa's first elected Black President. Preface gives brief biography.

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Hell's Fire: A Documentary History of the American Atomic and Thermonuclear Weapons Projects, From Hiroshima to the Cold War and the War on Terror

ISBN 978-1-934941-10-2.  Paperback 6x9, 448pp, List price $17.99.

A history of nuclear weapons, from the Manhattan Project which built the atomic bomb, to the "Mike" test which paved the way for the hydrogen bomb, to the "war on terror" which seeks an entire new generation of "earth-penetrating" nuclear bombs.  From official histories and declassified reports.  Over 75 photos and illustrations.

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Deception by Design: The Intelligent Design Movement in America  

By Lenny Flank, Jr.  ISBN 978-0-9791813-0-6 .  Hardcover 6x9, 244pp.  List price $20.99 .   

A history of the anti-evolution "Intelligent Design" movement in the US, from the Scopes trial in 1925, through the rise of creation "science" in the 1980's, to the rise of intelligent design "theory" in the 1990's. Appendix includes the Wedge Document, a leaked internal document which spells out the theocratic political goals of the Intelligent Design movement.  

"Its real achievement is in providing a meaningful socio-historical context to the creation-evolution 'debate' in the US.  .  .  . Recommended reading for all that fear the encroachment of the religious right, everywhere in the world."

--from Amazon.Com review

Interview with the author

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Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans: 1976 US Senate Report on Illegal Wiretaps and Domestic Spying by the FBI, CIA and NSA

by the Church Committee.  ISBN 978-1-934941-21-8.  Paperback 9x6, 424pp.  List price $17.99 .

When it was first revealed that the Bush Administration had implemented a secret program of warrantless wiretaps and domestic spying on US citizens, few Americans knew that all of this had happened before.  In the early 1970's, it was revealed that US government agencies, including the FBI, CIA, NSA and IRS, were being used as part of a deliberate plan to infiltrate and disrupt political opponents, and this plan had continued for 20 years under four different Presidents, both Democratic and Republican.  

This report by the Senate Select Committee details the elaborate efforts by the FBI, CIA and NSA to spy on Americans by tapping their telephones, by intercepting and copying their mail, and even by burglarizing their homes (known as "black bag jobs").

In response to this report, Congress established the FISA courts to regulate domestic wiretaps -- the same FISA courts that Bush bypassed when he directed the NSA to once again spy on Americans without court approval or oversight.

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The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Documentary History of the Struggle for Peace in Palestine

Edited by Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-934941-93-5. Paperback 6x9, 350pp, List Price $15.99.

A collection of 35 documents concerning the 100-year-old conflict over Palestine. The Balfour Declaration, the Sykes-Picot treaty, the League of Nations Mandate, the Peel Commission report, both British White Papers, the report of the UN Special Committee on Palestine, the Declaration of the State of Israel, the Palestine National Charter, the Camp David Accords, the Olso and Oslo II Accords, the Road Map, the Disengagement Plan, the Political Program of Hamas, and all the relevant United Nations Resolutions. Preface gives a brief historical summary.

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Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: 1975 US Senate report on CIA Covert Operations to Kill Fidel Castro, Ngo Dinh Diem, and Others

by the Church Committee ISBN 978-1-61001-023-8. 288pp, list price $14.99

The report of the 1975 US Senate Church Committee, which investigated American covert actions to assassinate foreign leaders, including Diem, Lumumba, Trujillo, and Castro. Describes over a dozen CIA attempts to work jointly with the American Mafia to kill Castro using biological toxins.

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Chicago Seven: Testimony From the 1968 Democratic Convention Conspiracy Trial

by Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, and others.  ISBN 978-1-934941-35-5. Paperback 6x9, 208pp, List Price $12.99.

Part conspiracy trial, part political theater, the trial of seven activists who disrupted the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, was an iconic event of the 1960's.  Here, from trial transcripts, are the testimony of Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, Bobby Seale, and others.

"This book will take you inside the courtroom through the actual transcript. Read what Abbie Hoffman actually said- not just a summary."

--from Amazon.Com review

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The FBI, COINTELPRO, And Martin Luther King, Jr.: Final Report Of The Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities

by the Church Committee. ISBN: 978-1-61001-004-7. Paperback 6x9, 146pp. List Price $11.99.

The final report of the 1975 US Senate Church Committee, describing the decade-long effort by J Edgar Hoover and the FBI to discredit and "neutralize" the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Hoover considered the civil rights movement to be "Communist", and did everything in his power to destroy it.

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This New Ocean: The Official History of Project Mercury

by Loyd Swenson, James M Grimwood, and Charles C Alexander. ISBN: 978-1-934941-87-4. Paperback 6x9, 472pp, List Price $18.99.

NASA's official history of Project Mercury, America's effort to get a man into space. Covers the development of the rocket boosters, the selection and training of the astronauts, the design of the Mercury spacecraft, the test launches, and all six manned Mercury flights, including Alan Shepard, the first American in space, and John Glenn, the first American in orbit.

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At the Edge of the Abyss: A Declassified Documentary History of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Edited by Lenny Flank. ISBN: 978-1-934941-89-8. Paperback 6x9. 326pp, List Price $15.99.

In the last two weeks of October 1962, the world came closer to nuclear warfare than it ever has. For 14 tense days, United States President John F Kennedy and Soviet Premiere Nikita Kruschev stood eyeball to eyeball, each with his hand on the nuclear trigger. In the end, both sides blinked. This volume is a collection of declassified documents from American and Soviet archives, detailing the history of those two weeks. Preface gives an overview and timeline of the crisis.

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JFK: Selected Speeches of President John F Kennedy

by John F Kennedy. ISBN 978-1-934941-77-5. Paperback 6x9, 202pp, List Price $12.99.

In the short 1000 days of his Presidency, John F Kennedy accomplished more than most Presidents did in two full terms. He founded the Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress, launched the American space program and introduced the Civil Rights Act, led the nation through the greatest threat ever to its existence -- the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and then signed the first nuclear disarmament agreement, the Test Ban Treaty, with the USSR. Kennedy was also a masterful and engaging speaker. This is an anthology of his most prominent speeches, including his Inaugural Address ("Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"), his speech setting the goal of "before the end of this decade, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth", his speech in Berlin ("Ich bein ein Berliner"), and the text of the speech he was to deliver in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

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United States Army in the Korean War: The First Year, From the Invasion to the Beginning of Negotiations

by James F Schnabel. ISBN: 978-1-61001-019-1. Paperback 6x9, 384pp, List Price $16.99

The official Pentagon history of the first year of the Korean War. Covers the North Korean invasion, the Pusan Perimeter, the Inchon landings, the drive on the Yalu, the Chinese invasion, Chosin Reservoir, the firing of General MacArthur, and the stabilization of the front at the 38th Parallel.

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The Nuremberg Nazi Trial: Excerpts From the Testimony of Herman Goering, Albert Speer, Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Hoess, and Others

by Herman Goering, Albert Speer. ISBN: 978-1-934941-95-9. Paperback 6x9. List Price $15.99.

From the official record of the Nazi war crimes trial. The Indictment document, the prosecution's opening statement, selected testimony from survivors and Nazi officials, and the prosecution's summary closing statement.

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The Aleutians Campaign: The Official Navy History of the Only World War Two Invasion of US Soil

by the Naval Historical Center. ISBN: 978-1-934941-88-1. Paperback 6x9, 159pp, List Price $11.99.

In 1942, the Japanese seized two islands in the Aleutian chain off the coast of Alaska. Over the next 15 months, the Navy and Marines waged a campaign to take back the islands, a prolonged fight in which the bitter cold and howling winds made the weather more dangerous than the Japanese.

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Island Battles of the Pacific: Iwo Jima and Okinawa

by US Marine Corps Historical Branch. ISBN: 978-1-934941-82-9. Paperback 6x9, 452pp, List Price $17.99.

The battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, excerpted from the Marine Corp's official five-volume history of the Second World War. Iwo Jima and Okinawa were pivotal in the fight against Japan during World War Two.

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The Ardennes: The Official History of the Battle of the Bulge

by Hugh M Cole. ISBN: 978-1-61001-015-3. Paperback 6x9, 478pp, List Price $18.99

The official US Army History of the Ardennes offensive in France during World War II, known as the "Battle of the Bulge". From the planning of the Nazi offensive until the final American push ended Hitler's last desperate gamble for victory. Based on American and German records, by the US Army's Historical Department.

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Fireside Chats: Radio Addresses to the American People 1933-1944

by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-20-1. Paperback 6x9. 280pp.  List price $14.99

Between 1933 and 1944, President Franklin D Roosevelt used the new medium of radio to address the nation.  During the Great Depression and the Second World War, Roosevelt spoke to Americans about his plans for economic recovery, the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and other topics.  Contains the complete text of all thirty Fireside Chats.

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FDR: Selected Speeches of President Franklin D Roosevelt

by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ISBN 978-1-934941-97-3. Paperback 6x9. 226pp. List Price $13.99.

The longest-serving President in American history, Franklin D Roosevelt led the nation through its two most lethal challenges of the 20th century - the Great Depression and the Second World War. This is a collection of FDR's most stirring speeches, from his First Inaugural Address ('the only thing we have fear is fear itself"), to his speeches outlining the New Deal and opposing the "economic royalty" ("I welcome their hatred"), to his call for a declaration of war with Japan ("a date which will live in infamy"), the Atlantic Charter, and his joint statement with Stalin and Churchill at Yalta.

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Rise and Fall of the Leninist State: A Marxist History of the Soviet Union

by Lenny Flank, ISBN 978-1-934941-34-8.  Paperback 6x9, 124pp, list price $11.99.

An economic history of the Soviet Union, from its inception in 1917 to its demise in 1991.  It is in the economics of the Leninist state, not its politics or ideology, that we find the seeds of its destruction.  By examining the economics of the USSR, we can see not only why the Russian Revolution took the course that it did, but why it could not have taken any other path.

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The German Revolution: Writings on the Failed Communist Rebellion in 1918-1919

by Ralph Haswell Lutz and William Z Foster. ISBN: 978-1-61001-016-0. Paperback 6x9, 246pp, List Price $13.99

Two contemporary accounts of the German Revolution which overthrew the Kaiser and established the Weimar Republic, and the failed attempt by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht's Spartacus group (the KPD-Communist Party of Germany) to establish a Soviet Republic in Germany.

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History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviks: US Military Intervention in Russia 1918-1919

by Capt Joel R Moore, Lt Harry H Meade, and Lt Lewis E Jahns.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-22-5.  Paperback 6x9. 360pp.  List price $15.99

In the aftermath of the First World War, the United States sent 13,000 troops into the Soviet Union in support of the Tsarist White Russian army, in an attempt to crush the Bolshevik government that had assumed power in the Russian Revolution.  Written by three American doughboys who fought in Russia, this is a firsthand account of the only time in history that American troops directly fought Red Army troops.

"This book addresses a little known history of the US military and its involvement in Russia in the aftermath of the Communist revolution.  . . . Due to the date of its writing some of the language appears stilted but that doesn't detract from the story told. This is an important book for any true history fan and can explain a lot about the rocky relationship Russia (USSR) and the US experience till this day."

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The Red Fighter Pilot:  The Autobiography of the Red Baron

By Manfred von Richthofen.  ISBN  978-9791813-3-7.  Paperback 6x9, 160pp, List price $11.99.

The autobiography of the "Red Baron", Manfred von Richthofen, written shortly before his death in April 1918.  New introduction gives a brief history of the birth of aerial combat.   Illustrated with 14 pages of photographs.


"I enjoyed reading it . . . . A good addition to the mountain of work on this famous man." 

--George Miller, "Cross and Cockade International Journal", First World War Aviation Historical Society

More info on Richthofen and World War One Aviation

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Kitchener's Mob: A Firsthand Account of the Adventures of an American Volunteer in the British Army during the First World War

by James Norman Hall.  ISBN 978-1-934941-66-9. Paperback 6x9, 136pp, List Price $11.99.

When the First World War broke out in August 1914, the British Army was completely unprepared, and the British Secretary of State For War, Lord Herbert Kitchener, issued a call for volunteers. The mass of unorganized trainees was called "Kitchener's Mob".  This is the eyewitness account of an American citizen living in London who volunteered to join Kitchener's Mob and was sent to the trenches in France, just in time for the first stages of the Battle of the Somme.

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The Story of the Lafayette Escadrille: A History of the American Volunteer Air Squadron in World War One, Told By Its Commander

by Georges Thenault. ISBN 978-1-61001-068-9. 134pp. List Price $13.99

When the First World War broke out in August 1914, the United States declared its neutrality. But a handful of American citizens nevertheless went to Europe and volunteered to fight for France against the Germans. Using French aircraft, they formed a squadron that became known as the "Lafayette Escadrille". This is the story of the Lafayette Squadron, as told by its French Commander, Captain Georges Thenault. Illustrated, and with new Introduction.

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The Titanic Reports: The Official Conclusions of the 1912 Inquiries Into the Titanic Disaster by the US Senate and the British Wreck Commission

by the US Senate and the British Wreck Commissioner.  ISBN:  978-1-934941-11-9. Paperback 6x9.  175pp.  List price $12.99

The official reports of the 1912 American and British inquiries into the Titanic.  "Report of the United States Senate Committee to Investigate the Causes of the Loss of the White Star Liner Titanic" and "The British Wreck Commissioner's Report on the Loss of the Titanic".  With 8 pages of photos.

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The Loss of the SS Titanic: Its Story and Its Lessons

by Lawrence Beesley.  ISBN 978-1-934941-31-7.  Paperback 6x9, 152pp, List Price $11.99.

Lawrence Beesley, a British schoolteacher, was a second-class passenger on the Titanic when it hit an iceberg and sank in two and a half hours.  This is Beesley's eyewitness account, written just weeks after the sinking, of his voyage on the Titanic, the collision with the iceberg, his hours in Lifeboat 13, and his rescue by the Carpathia.  A classic account of the story of Titanic.  With six pages of photos.

"The story will give you goosebumps down your spine and allow you to experience the tragedy yourself. This book cannot begin to compare to the other stories of the Titanic. It's power comes from a first hand account that provides more information than a fact book can tell you."

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To the South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the Fram, 1910-1912

by Roald Amundsen.  ISBN 978-1-934941-39-3. Paperback 6x9, 320pp, List Price $14.99.

An account of the first expedition to reach the South Pole, by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.  Losing the race to the North Pole to the American Robert Peary, Amundsen turned to the South Pole instead, and reached it just four weeks before his rival, the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott.  With twenty pages of photos.

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Insurgent Mexico: With Pancho Villa in the Mexican Revolution

by John Reed.  ISBN 978-1-934941-65-2. Paperback 6x9, 302pp, List Price $14.99.

In 1910, Mexican peasant Pancho Villa led a rebellion against the wealthy landowners, and fought to redistribute land to the poor Mexican "peons" who worked it for the absentee owners, in what has been called the "first socialist revolution".  Originally published as a series of newspaper dispatches, Insurgent Mexico was written by American journalist John Reed (author of Ten Days that Shook the World) who lived with the Mexican rebels, made friends with Pancho Villa, and was nearly killed during a battle with Mexican government forces.  With ten pages of photos.

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A History of Early Aviation

by Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright, and William Claxton. ISBN 978-1-934941-56-0. Paperback 6x9, 168pp, List Price $12.99.

The pioneers of aviation. The firsthand account by the Wright Brothers of their early experiments with gliders and the first powered flight, and William J Claxton's account of early balloon flight and aircraft development to World War One.

"The first three articles by Orville and Wilbur Wright were very good. Written by the two people on earth that really knew what they were doing."

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The Rough Riders: Teddy Roosevelt's Firsthand Account of the Cuban Campaign During the Spanish-American War

by Theodore Roosevelt.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-47-8.  Paperback 6x9, 152pp, List Price $11.99.

Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's firsthand account of the "Rough Riders", the volunteer cavalry unit that fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.  With ten pages of photos.

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The End of Hawaii's Independence: An Autobiographical History by Hawaii's Last Monarch

by Queen Liliuokalani. ISBN: 978-1-61001-005-4. Paperback 6x9, 344pp, List Price $15.99

In 1895, an American diplomat, acting along with prominent American figures in Hawaii, used United States troops to overthrow the monarchy and annex the Hawaiian Islands to the US. This is the story of the end of Hawaiian independence, as told by the island's last monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. Originally published under the title "Hawaii's Story" in 1898.

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The Haymarket Trial: Selected Testimony From the Trial of the Chicago Anarchists

ISBN: 978-1-61001-006-1. Paperback 6x9, 404pp, List Price $16.99.

From the trial record. The testimony of selected prosecution and defense witnesses, defendant statements to the court, the appeal decision, and the governor's pardon.

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Revolution in Pennsylvania: A History of the Railroad Union Strike and the "Great Uprising of 1877"

by J.A. Dacus. ISBN: 978-1-61001-013-9. Paperback 6x9, 274pp, List Price $14.99

In June 1877, a railroad company in West Virginia cut its worker's wages by ten percent. The workers went on strike and refused to move any trains until the cut was revoked, and the strike quickly spread. Within days, the entire country was paralyzed as strikers occupied all the key railroad hubs. Over 100 people were killed in street clashes with state militia and Federal troops. The strike lasted 45 days and ended only when US Army troops occupied all the railroad centers. It was the largest labor rebellion in American history. This history of the Great Strike was written by St Louis newspaperman Joseph Dacus just a few months after the rebellion.

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The Autobiography of Geronimo

by Geronimo. ISBN: 978-1-61001-002-3. Paperback 6x9, 120pp, List Price $11.99.

The Apache war chief Geronimo's story of his life. Originally published as "Geronimo; His Own Story". Geronimo also describes Apache culture and religion, and pleads for better treatment of his people by the United States.

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An Autobiography of Buffalo Bill

by William F Cody.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-23-2.  Paperback 6x9, 216pp, List Price $12.99.

The autobiography of Col. William F Cody, known as "Buffalo Bill".  An icon of the Old West, Buffalo Bill won his nickname in a bison-hunting contest while working for the Kansas Pacific Railroad.  Cody served as a scout for the US Cavalry, and worked for a time as a Pony Express rider.  In 1883 he formed the Wild West Show, which toured the East Coast and Europe and popularized the image of the untamed Wild West.

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The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid: A Biography of William Bonney by the Sheriff Who Knew Him, and Killed Him

By Pat Garrett. ISBN: 978-1-61001-008-5. Paperback 6x9, 158pp, List Price $11.99.

The biography of the outlaw William Bonney, "Billy the Kid", who made his name in the bloody "Lincoln County War" in New Mexico. Written by Sheriff Pat Garrett, who knew Bonney personally, captured him, and, after the Kid's daring escape from jail, finally killed him.

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The Boy General: Story of the Life of Major-General George A Custer

by Elizabeth Custer. ISBN 978-1-934941-76-8. Paperback 6x9, 167pp, List Price $11.99.

General George Custer's life on the plains, from the end of the Civil War to the Battle of the Little Big Horn. As written by his wife Elizabeth. With 12 pages of photos.

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My Life on the Plains: General George Custer's Firsthand Account of the Washita Campaign

by General George A Custer. ISBN: 978-1-61001-009-2. Paperback 6x9, 302pp, List Price $14.99

An autobiography by General George Armstrong Custer, written a few years before he departed for the Montana campaign and died at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Covers the period of Custer's life from the end of the Civil War to his campaign against the Sioux and Cheyenne, culminating in the Battle of the Washita in 1868.

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Recollections and Letters of General Robert E Lee

by Robert E Lee.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-13-3.  Paperback 6x9. 360pp. List price $15.99

The life and collected letters of General Robert E Lee, as presented by his son, Captain Robert E Lee.  The remarkable life of a man who, though by all accounts a kind, gracious and generous gentleman, nevertheless took up arms to defend a regime that practiced the indefensible -- human slavery.  With 10 pages of photos.

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Memoirs of General William T Sherman: Shiloh, Vicksburg, and the March to the Sea

By William T Sherman.  ISBN 978-1-934941-55-3. Paperback 6x9. 468pp, List Price $17.99.

General William T Sherman's firsthand account of the Civil War. From Shiloh to Vicksburg to the March to the Sea,  General Sherman's campaign crippled the Confederacy and led to Union victory.  With eight pages of photos.

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The Autobiography of General Ulysses S Grant: Memoirs of the Civil War

by Ulysses S Grant.  ISBN 978-1-934941-14-0.  Paperback 6x9.  434pp.  List price $17.99

Excerpted from Grant's two-volume autobiography.  The American Civil War, as told by General Ulysses S Grant, who led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy.  Original maps illustrate the battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, The Wilderness, and the surrender at Appomattox.  With 14 pages of photos.

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The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson: A Firsthand Account of the Army of Northern Virginia Under Robert E Lee in the Civil War

by Edward A Moore, of the Rockbridge Artillery.  ISBN 978-1-934941-58-4, Paperback 6x9, 222pp, List Price $13.99.

The battles of the Civil War, from the Confederate view.  Edward A Moore, a gunner with the Rockbridge artillery battery, fought in the battles of First and Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor and Appomattox.   With ten pages of photos.

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Chancellorsville and Gettysburg: An Eyewitness Account of the Pivotal Battles of the Civil War

by General Abner Doubleday.  ISBN 978-1-934941-69-0. Paperback 6x9, 232pp, List Price $13.99.

Although best-known as the inventor of baseball, Abner Doubleday was also a Union General during the Civil War. This is General Doubleday's firsthand account of the pivotal battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. With 40 pages of maps and original Civil War photos.

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Life Under Slavery: Autobiographies of Three American Slaves

by Linda Brent, Henry Bibb, and Kate Drumgoold. ISBN: 978-1-934941-80-5. Paperback 6x9, 380pp, List Price $16.99.

Autoibiographies of three pre-Civil War African-American slaves. "Northerners know nothing at all about Slavery. They think it is perpetual bondage only. They have no conception of the depth of degradation involved in that word, slavery; if they had, they would never cease their efforts until so horrible a system was overthrown."

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The War With Mexico: The Classic History of the Mexican-American War

by Justin H Smith. ISBN: 978-1-61001-018-4. Paperback 6x9, 468pp, List Price $17.99

The Mexican-American War in 1846 was an under-appreciated moment in American history. It marked the beginning of the military careers of many of those who would go on to fight the Civil War two decades later--including Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant. It took General Zachary Taylor to the Presidency, and re-ignited the debate over slavery that would later result in secession. During the war, Mexico, under the leadership of Santa Anna, lost over half of its national territory to the US and many Mexicans now found themselves on the wrong side of the border and living in the United States--a situation with direct bearing on current Mexican-US immigration. Justin H Smith's classic history of the war, written in 1919 from official archives in both countries, depicts the US as the wronged party, but many Americans at the time viewed the Mexican War as simply an American land grab, in which a large strong nation bullied territorial concessions from a smaller weaker neighbor.

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The Bounty Mutiny: Captain William Bligh's Firsthand Account of the Last Voyage of HMS Bounty

by William Bligh.  ISBN 978-1-934941-06-5.  Paperback 6x9, 260pp, List price $13.99.

On April 28, 1789, the crew of the HMS Bounty, returning from Tahiti with a cargo of breadfruit plants, mutinied and set their captain and 17 crew members adrift in a small boat.  In a remarkable feat of seamanship, Bligh took the 23-foot boat over 3600 miles, in 41 days, to safety in Indonesia.  This is Bligh's own account of the mutiny and his incredible voyage to safety.

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The Great French Revolution 1789-1793

by Peter Kropotkin. ISBN: 978-1-934941-90-4. Paperback 6x9, 366pp, List Price $16.99.

The Great French Revolution is Peter Kropotkin's classic account of the history of the upheavels from 1789 to 1793. Although Kropotkin is best known as the chief theorist for the political theory of anarchism, he was also a highly educated man (a member of the Russian nobility), a skilled historian, and a compelling and powerful writer. This sweeping account is written not from the point of view of great leaders, politicians or speechmakers, but from the great mass of ordinary French people, who began the Revolution on their own and who, at every crucial stage, took to the streets on their own initiative to carry the Revolution forward, to end autocracy and introduce democracy.

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The Federalist Papers

by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. ISBN 978-1-934941-52-2. Paperback 6x9, 402pp, List price $16.99.

In 1787, the US Constitution was sent to the state legislatures for ratification. Intended to replace the Articles of Confederation, the new Constitution replaced the loose confederation of states with a strong central Federal government to which the states would be subordinated. The Federalist Papers were written by some of the authors of the Constitution, as a series of letters to New York newspapers, explaining how the proposed Constitution would work and why the state legislatures should vote for its ratification.

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Writings of Thomas Paine: A Collection of Pamphlets from America's Most Radical Founding Father

by Thomas Paine. ISBN 978-1-934941-96-6. Paperback 6x9. 270pp. List Price $14.99.

An anthology of writings from Thomas Paine, including "Common Sense", "African Slavery in America", "An Occasional Letter on the Female Sex", "Agrarian Justice", "The Rights of Man", and "The Age of Reason". Paine's radical views on the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of women, the redistribution of wealth and social equality, and religion, made him an outcast even among his fellow American Revolutionaries. Even today, he remains the only major figure of the American Revolution who has no monument anywhere in Washington DC.

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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

by Benjamin Franklin.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-43-0.  Paperback 6x9, 176pp, List Price $12.99.

Ben Franklin's life, in his own words.  Journalist, statesman, scientist, inventor, rabble-rouser, ambassador, carouser. The remarkable life of a remarkable man.

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Three Views of Independence: Firsthand Accounts of the Revolutionary War From An American Patriot, An American Tory, and a French Volunteer

by Ebenezer Fox, Chevalier de Pontgibaud, and David Fanning. ISBN: 978-1-61001-014-6. Paperback 6x9, 270pp, List Price $14.99

Three firsthand accounts of the American Revolutionary War. Ebenezer Fox enlisted in the patriot militia before joining the US Navy, where he was captured and escaped from a British prison barge. The Chevalier de Pontgibaud was a French aristocrat who joined Washington's army at Valley Forge. David Fanning formed a loyalist pro-British militia under Cornwallis's command and fought several battles against the patriots.

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Swamp Fox: General Francis Marion and his Guerrilla Fighters of the American Revolutionary War

by William Dobein James, one of Marion's militia members.  ISBN 978-1-934941-57-7. Paperback 6x9, 148pp, List Price $11.99.

During the American Revolutionary War, General Francis Marion, known as the "Swamp Fox", waged a guerrilla war against British forces under General Tarleton, harrassing them and eventually driving the British Army out of South Carolina. This book, written by one of his militia members, tells the story of the Swamp Fox.

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The Buccaneers of America: A Firsthand Account of Life with the Caribbean Pirates Pierre la Grande, Francis Lolonois, and Captain Henry Morgan

by John Esquemeling. ISBN 978-1-934941-72-0. Paperback 6x9, 192pp, List Price $12.99.

In 1666, John Esquemeling arrived at the Caribbean island of Tortuga as an indentured servant of the French West India Company. After gaining his freedom, Esquemeling joined the pirates who had made Tortuga their hideout, and sailed with the pirates Pierre la Grande, Francis Lolonois, and Captain Henry Morgan as a surgeon.  This is Esquemeling's firsthand account, published in Holland in 1678, of his life with the buccaneers of America. With ten pages of engraved illustrations.

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The Digger Movement: Radical Communalism in the English Civil War

by Lewis H Berens.  ISBN 978-1-934941-37-9.  Paperback 6x9, 236pp, list price $12.99.

In 1649, during the English Civil Wars, a radical peasant movement appeared under the leadership of Gerrard Winstanley, a Protestant religious reformer.  Inspired by Biblical sources, Winstanley argued in favor of a radical egalitarian society in which all men would live freely in communal villages, where property ownership, rent and wages were all abolished. His followers were originally called the True Levellers, but quickly became known as The Diggers.

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The Anglo Saxon Chronicle: A History of England From Roman Times to the Norman Conquest

by anonymous.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-50-8. Paperback 6x9, 224pp, List Price $12.99.

In the late 9th century, under King Alfred the Great of England, scholars compiled a history of the island from the invasion by Julius Caesar to the year 891. The narrative, drawn from many historical accounts, was known as the Anglo Saxon Chronicles. After Alfred's death, the Chronicles were continued, with some versions being updated yearly until 1154. Today, the Anglo Saxon Chronicles are the most important source for early English history.  Among the events described in the Chronicles are the Roman withdrawal from Britain, the first Viking raids on the island, and the Battle of Hastings that led tom Norman rule.

"First rate account of the history of Anglo Saxon origin."

--from Amazon.Com review

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On Roman Military Matters: A 5th Century Training Manual in Organization, Weapons and Tactics, as Practiced by the Roman Legions

by Vegetius.  ISBN 978-1-934941-25-6. Paperback 6x9, 96pp, List Price $10.99.

A 5th century training manual for the organization, weapons and tactics of the Roman Legions.  Vegetius's De Rei Militari was the only major work of Roman military science to survive from classical times.  It was widely studied in the Middle Ages and was a key source for Medieval warfare and siege tactics.

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The Twelve Caesars: The Lives of the Roman Emperors

by Suetonius, translated by JC Rolfe.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-19-5.  Paperback 6x9.  244pp.  List price $13.99

A contemporary biography of the first twelve Caesars of the Roman Empire, including Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Titus and Domitian.  The author Suetonius was personal secretary to the Emperor Hadrian.

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The Gallic Wars: Julius Caesar's Account of the Roman Conquest of Gaul

by Julius Caesar.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-42-3.  Paperback 6x9, 250pp, List Price $13.99.

The Gallic Wars is Julius Caesar's firsthand  account of the Roman conquest of Gaul, in modern-day France. Books I through VII are Caesar's own written dispatches to the Roman Senate, while Book VIII was added later by Aulus Hirtius.

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Selections from Plutarch's Lives

by Plutarch. ISBN 978-1-934941-73-7. Paperback 6x9, 442pp, List price $17.99.

Excerpts from Plutarch's classic work of biography.  Contains biographical sketches of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Sulla, Crassus, Marc Antony, Brutus, Romulus, Cato, Cicero and others.

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The History: An Account of the Persian War on Greece, Including the Naval Battle at Salamis, the Battle with Athens at Marathon, and with Sparta at Thermopylae

by Herodotus.  ISBN: 978-1-934941-49-2. Paperback 6x9, 408pp, List Price $16.99.

The classic account of the war between Persia's King Xerxes and the Greeks.  Includes the battle at Marathon, the naval battle at Salamis, and the fight between the Persians and Spartans at Thermopylae.

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