Political and Social Criticism
by Karl Marx. ISBN: 978-1-934941-86-7. Paperback 6x9, 254pp, List Price $13.99.
The basic texts of Marxist socialism. Preface gives an easy-to-understand introduction to Marxist philosophy.
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by Friedrich Engels. ISBN: 978-1-61001-003-0. Paperback 6x9, 250pp, List Price $13.99.
A selection of writings from Friedrich Engels. Socialism, Utopian and Scientific; The Principles of Communism; The Part Played by Labour in the Transition From Ape to Man; Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of Classical German Philosophy; and The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.
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by Lenny Flank. ISBN: 978-1-61001-011-5. Paperback 6x9, 276pp, List Price $14.99.
It has become a truism in politics that "corporations have become too powerful". Few people understand, however, that there has been a vast shift in global power between 1990 and 2010; corporate power has now exceeded national power and global economic structures now have unchecked control over democratic governments. Power has passed to multi-national corporations who have no country, owe allegiance to no government, and answer to no nation. They have become supra-national. This book is a history of corporations, as they grew from small tightly-controlled public works to huge quasi-governmental behemoths who now have literal veto power over elected national governments.
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by Emma Goldman. ISBN 9781610010313. 284pp, List price $14.99
A collection of essays by America's most prominent anarchist, feminist, and critic of both capitalism and communism, who was imprisoned and deported for opposing the First World War. Includes "Anarchy Defended by Anarchists", "The Tragedy of Women's Emancipation", "Anarchism: What It Really Stands For", "The Psychology of Political Violence", "Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty", "Speech Against Conscription And War", "There Is No Communism In Russia", and "The Individual, Society, And The State".
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By Alexander Berkman. ISBN 978-1-61001-071-9. 194pp. List Price $14.99
A collection of writings from American anarchist Alexander Berkman, on the Russian Revolution, the American labor movement, the Paris Commune, Kronstadt, and Anarchism. Includes "The Need of Translating Ideals into Life", "The Kronstadt Rebellion", "The Paris Commune and Kronstadt, "The Idea is the Thing", and others. New Introduction gives a biography and overview.
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by Peter Kropotkin. ISBN 978-1-61001-025-2. 306pp. List price $14.99.
Born a Russian Prince, Peter Kropotkin became the leading theorist of the political philosophy of Anarchism. This is Kropotkin's autobiography, recounting his life as the son of a Russian noble, his experiences as a boy in the Court of the Russian Tsar, his work in Siberia as a professional geologist, his involvement with radical student groups and his conversion to Anarchism, his arrest and subsequent escape from the Peter and Paul prison, and his political work in Western Europe.
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by Alexander Berkman. ISBN 978-1-61001-070-2. 278pp. List Price $16.99
A firsthand account of the Russian Revolution, from American anarchist Alexander Berkman. At first a supporter, Berkman became disillusioned by the Communists and their repressive system of party dictatorship and state capitalism.
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by Rosa Luxemburg. ISBN: 9781934941-91-1. Paperback 6x9, 250pp, List Price $13.99.
Selected Writings from "Red Rosa" Luxemburg, one of the founders of the German Communist Party. Contains "The National Question", concerning the relationship of subject nations to socialism; "Reform or Revolution?", concerning the reformist program of parliamentary socialism; "The Socialist Crisis in France", concerning the entry of the Socialist Party into the French Government; and other essays.
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by Georges Sorel, Andre Tridon, Bertrand Russell, and John Spargo. ISBN 978-1-934941-94-2. Paperback 6x9, 346pp, List Price $15.99.
A selection of writings, some sympathetic, some hostile, on the political and economic theory of syndicalism--the anarchist strategy of using revolutionary unions to seize control of the workplace and build a socialist system from the bottom up. Contains the complete texts of "Reflections on Violence", by Georges Sorel, "The New Unionism", by Andre Tridon, "Proposed Roads to Freedom", by Bertrand Russell, and "Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism, and Socialism, by John Spargo.
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Non-Leninist Marxism: Writings on the Workers Councils
by Gorter, Pannekoek, Pankhurst and Ruhle. ISBN 978-0-979-1813-6-8. Paperback 6x9, 174pp. List price $11.99.
The recent collapse of the Soviet Union made clear the weaknesses and deficiencies in Leninist theory and practice. In the period between the World Wars, however, an entirely different trend of socialist thought had briefly flowered in Europe, a trend which rejected the Leninist model of centralized party and state, and instead affirmed the democratic self-emancipation of the working class. This movement was "council communism". "Non-Leninist Marxism" presents a selection of the most influential writings from the council communists, including Hermann Gorter, Anton Pannekoek, Sylvia Pankhurst, and Otto Ruhl.
"This is an important and well selected of writings by some of the leading figures in the Council Communist tendency of revolutionary Marxism. Most of the writings included in this volume have been largely unavailable in print for some time and their return to publication is an extremely welcome development."
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by Lewis Cass Fry. ISBN 978-1-934941-99-7. Paperback 6x9, 166pp, List Price $11.99.
A beginner's guide to the economic philosophy of Karl Marx. Explains the concepts of labor value, use-value, exchange-value, surplus value, and commodities, as set out in the first volume of Das Kapital.
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by Alexandra Kollontai. ISBN 978-1-934941-70-6. Paperback 6x9, 84pp, List Price $10.99.
A manifesto of the Workers Opposition, a group within the USSR's Communist Party that rejected Leninist centralization and Stalinist dictatorship, and argued for direct worker control of the industries, democratic socialism, the rights of labor unions, the right of free criticism of Party leaders and programs, the end of Party repression, and a return to the original worker-organized Council-based state structure. Most of the Workers Opposition died in Stalin's jails.
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Reds, White and Blue: An Anthology of American Socialism and Communism 1880-1920
Edited by Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-1-934941-44-7. Paperback 6x9, 388pp, List Price $16.99.
A history of American socialism and communism. Selected from the writings of America's most prominent leftists, including Robert Owen, Eugene V Debs, Jack London, Emma Goldman, Big Bill Haywood, Robert LaFollette, Norman Thomas, Louis Fraina, and others.
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by Carlos Marighella, ISBN 978-1-934941-30-0. Paperback 6x9, 80pp, list price $10.99.
Written in 1969 by Brazilian revolutionary Carlos Marighella, the Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla is a practical handbook of urban warfare. As such, it has served as a Bible for guerrilla groups and resistance networks around the world. The Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla remains today, decades after it was written, one of the most comprehensive manuals of urban resistance ever written.
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by Emma Goldman, ISBN 9781934941249. Paperback 6x9, 256pp, list price $13.99.
A scathing look at the Russian Revolution in the aftermath of the Bolshevik takeover. Prominent anarchist Emma Goldman describes the repression practiced by the Leninists against political dissidents and their own workers, in order to maintain their system of centralized party-dominated state capitalism.
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by Mikhail Bakunin. ISBN: 978-1-934941-83-6. Paperback 6x9, 152pp, List Price $11.99.
A collection of writings from the champion of Anarchism, Mikhail Bakunin. Includes "God and the State", "Marxism, Freedom and the State", "The Policy of the International", and "The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State". Preface gives a brief biography.
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by Peter Kropotkin. ISBN: 978-1-934941-81-2. Paperback 6x9, 110pp, List Price $10.99.
A collection of writings from Peter Kropotkin, the leading theorist on Anarchism. Contains "Revolutionary Government", "Anarchist Communism; Its Basis and Principles", "Anarchist Morality" and "Anarchism; Its Philosophy and Ideal".
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by Alexander Berman. ISBN: 978-1-61001-001-6. Paperback 6x9, 274pp, List Price $14.99.
A description of Marxist anarcho-syndicalism, by one of its leading proponents. An introduction to syndicalism, communism and anarchism.
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ISBN: 978-1-61001-006-1. Paperback 6x9, 404pp, List Price $16.99.
From the trial record. The testimony of selected prosecution and defense witnesses, defendant statements to the court, the appeal decision, and the governor's pardon.
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by William Haywood. ISBN: 978-1-61001-010-8. Paperback 6x9, 96pp, List Price $10.99.
William D "Big Bill" Haywood was one of the most colorful figures in American labor history. While working in an Idaho silver mine as a young man, he joined the Western Federation of Miners, and quickly became a member of its Executive Board and then its Secretary-Treasurer. Haywood preached a militant brand of unionism which advocated the overthrow of capitalism by a mass general strike and the use of sabotage. In 1905, a former Governor of Idaho was killed by a bomb; Haywood and two other WFM leaders were tried and acquitted of planning the murder. In 1905, Haywood was a founding member of the revolutionary labor union Industrial Workers of the World (IWW--the "Wobblies") and soon became its Secretary-Treasurer and best-known member. In 1917, 165 IWW members, including Haywood, were arrested and charged with violating the Sedition and Espionage Acts by opposing the First World War. Sentenced to 20 years in jail, Haywood skipped bail and fled the country in 1921.
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Writings of Eugene V Debs: A Collection of Essays by America's Most Famous Socialist
by Eugene V Debs. ISBN 978-1-934941-48-5. Paperback 6x9, 172pp, List Price $12.99.
A collection of speeches, pamphlets and writings from Eugene V Debs, from 1888 to 1925. Beginning his career as an organizer for the American Railway Union, Debs ran for President on the Socialist Party ticket 5 times, polling up to 6 percent of the total vote in 1912. Jailed in 1919 for an antiwar speech in Ohio, Debs ran for President from his jail cell in 1920, polling almost a million votes -- 3.4 percent of the total votes cast.
"Debs' skills were legendary, and with good reason. As you examine these writings the power of his language is evident. The speeches are well crafted, full of familiar ideas and images, and most of all, clearly spell out what Debs was trying to do." --from Amazon.Com review
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by James Connolly, ISBN 9781934941362. Paperback 6x9, 263pp, list price $14.99.
Labor organizer James Connolly combined Irish nationalism with socialist criticism and a willingness for armed insurrection. His influence extended as far as the United States, where he played an active role in the Industrial Workers of the World (the "Wobblies"), to Russia, where they guided Lenin's thoughts on imperialism and colonialism. Connolly was executed by the British Government for his role in the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin.
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by Daniel DeLeon, ISBN 978-1-934941-38-6. Paperback 6x9, 220pp, List price $12.99
American socialist Daniel DeLeon was born in 1852 on the Caribbean island of Curacao. He joined the Socialist Labor Party on 1890 and soon became one of its leading figures. DeLeon was a fierce critic of the American trade union movement, dismissing its reformist goals. As a syndicalist and industrial unionist, he helped to form the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1905.
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Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony: Marxism, Capitalism And Their Relation to Sexism, Racism, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism
by Lenny Flank, ISBN 978-0-979-1813-7-5. Paperback 6x9, 176pp. List price $11.99
A critical examination of the relationship between Marxism and other social justice movements, including feminism, anti-racism, gay liberation, environmentalism, anarchism and Native activism. The capitalist social order is like a Hydra, a many-headed dragon. Try to cut off one head, and the others will kill you. The only way to kill the beast is to cut off all its heads at once. The social revolution must grow to encompass not merely the economic means of production, but the entire mode of social life, including its familial, sexual, racial, national, gender and authority roles. The tactics of the traditional Leninists are entirely unsuited for that task. Only a wider-ranging social movement can hope to defeat capitalist hegemony.
"I was very pleased with this book. In particular, the book contains a very good discussion of the elusive concepts of hegemony, counter-hegemony, false consciousness and ideology." --from Amazon.Com Review
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by John Reed. ISBN: 978-1-61001-020-7. Paperback 6x9, 292pp, List Price $15.99.
A collection of writings from American socialist-turned-Communist John Reed. Contains "Ten Days that Shook the World", Reed's classic eyewitness account of the October Revolution in Russia, as well as "War in Paterson", his account of the 1913 silk workers strike in New Jersey, "The Trader's War", Reed's argument against American involvement in the First World War, and other essays.
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IWW: A Documentary History
Edited by Lenny Flank, ISBN 978-0-9791813-5-1. Paperback 6 x 9, 280pp. List price $13.99 .
A history of the Industrial Workers of the World, the "Wobblies", in their own words, from the opening speech at the IWW's founding convention in 1905, to the tactics of strike and sabotage which made it the most feared labor union in the US, to its role in the 1919 General Strike that shut down the city of Seattle. With 12 pages of photographs.
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History of the Paris Commune of 1871
By Prosper Olivier Lissagaray, Translated by Eleanor Marx. ISBN 978-0-979-1813-4-4. Paperback 6x9, 364pp. List price $14.99.
The Paris Commune was a pivotal event in the history of socialist thought. It had such a profound effect on Karl Marx that he amended a portion of his "Communist Manifesto" in response to it. "History of the Paris Commune" is an eyewitness account of the Commune, written in its immediate aftermath by a French worker who participated in the events he describes. Illustrated with 8 pages of photographs.
"This is not a light read, but for the historically minded willing to put in the effort to engage it, it will yield a wonderful treasure of knowledge that will take the reader directly into the meetings of the Communard government and also right into the thick of the street fighting. It is hard to find a more detailed work on the Paris Commune, and Lissagaray even goes so far as to explore in detail the short lived Communard uprising that rose up in French provinces at the same time, a subject usually neglected by contemporary histories."
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by Marx, Engels, Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Lenin. ISBN 978-1-934941-28-7. Paperback 6x9, 125pp. List price $11.99.
The Paris Commune in 1871 played a key role in the development of socialist thought. In the midst of a siege by German troops, the workers of Paris rose in revolt and established their own government. Both communists and anarchists claimed the Commune for their own. This volume includes essays on the Paris Commune by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, and Vladimir Lenin.
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Contradictions of Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics
by Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-0-979-1813-9-9. Paperback 6x9. 120pp. List price $11.99.
A beginner's guide to Marxist economics, from the beginnings of capitalism within the feudalist system, to its modern incarnation as corporate monopoly. Also covers the rise and fall of the non-market Leninist economies.
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by Ernest Untermann. ISBN 978-1-934941-71-3. Paperback 6x9, 196pp, List Price $12.99.
The classic explanation of Karl Marx's economic theories, by American socialist Ernest Untermann. The theory of historical materialism, the labor theory of value, the theory of surplus value, wage labor and profits, pre-capitalist societies, and the economic transition from feudalism to capitalism. Written for an audience of rank-and-file working people during the early union movement, "Marxist Economics" presents the most influential economic theories in history, in a non-technical way for non-economists.
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Philosophy of Revolution: Towards a Non-Leninist Marxism
by Lenny Flank. ISBN 978-0-979-1813-8-2. Paperback 6x9. 136pp. List price $11.99.
A critique of authoritarian Leninism from the viewpoint of "council communism". Social revolutionaries must reject the failed leninist model as being unsuited to the social conditions existing in the industrialized nations. It is clear that our revolutionary methods and organizations must be broad-based, mass-supported, and based on the decentralized self-organization of the producers. That is the essence of the Worker's Council.
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by Betrand Russell. ISBN 978-1-934941-74-4. Paperback 6x9, 162pp, List Price $11.99
Bertrand Russell's classic treatise. The strengths and weaknesses of the social systems proposed by the socialists, anarchists and syndicalists.
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By John Spargo. ISBN 978-1-934941-67-6. Paperback 6x9. 136pp, List Price $11.99.
A history of the Syndicalist movement, and a critique of the Syndicalist program from the point of view of parliamentary Socialism.
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by GDH Cole. ISBN 978-1-8934941-75-1. Paperback 6x9, 148pp, List Price $11.99.
Guild Socialism was a British version of French Syndicalism, which advocated that economic and political functions be united into structures called "guilds", by which workers would directly control industry through elected councils, while consumers would also be represented by elected councils. This is GDH Cole's classis treatise on the theory and practice of Guild Socialism.
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History of the Fabian Society: The Origins of English Socialism
by Edward R Pease. ISBN: 978-1-934941-32-4. Paperback 6x9, 204pp, List Price $12.99.
The Fabian Society was founded in 1884, by a group of British intellectuals. Idealistic, enthusiastic and, perhaps, naive reformers, the Fabianb Society was the first major socialist group in the UK. Among its most prominent members were George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, and John Maynard Keynes.
The Fabians were instrumental in forming the British Labour Party in 1900.
Edward R Pease served as Secretary of the Fabian Society for several decades. This book gives the history of the Fabian Society from its founding to the First World War.
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by Lenny Flank, ISBN 978-1-934941-34-8. Paperback 6x9, 124pp, list price $11.99.
An economic history of the Soviet Union, from its inception in 1917 to its demise in 1991. It is in the economics of the Leninist state, not its politics or ideology, that we find the seeds of its destruction. By examining the economics of the USSR, we can see not only why the Russian Revolution took the course that it did, but why it could not have taken any other path.
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The Communistic Societies of the United States: Harmony, Oneida, the Shakers, and Others
by Charles Nordhoff. ISBN: 978-1-934941-33-1. Paperback 6x9, 320pp, List Price $14.99.
In the 19th century, a number of utopian social groups, most of them religious sects, formed communal societies as an experiment in social living. This contemporary account describes the communal societies of New Harmony, Oneida, the Shakers, the Amana Society, the Icarians, the Social Freedom Community, and others.
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by Lewis H Berens. ISBN 978-1-934941-37-9. Paperback 6x9, 236pp, list price $12.99.
In 1649, during the English Civil Wars, a radical peasant movement appeared under the leadership of Gerrard Winstanley, a Protestant religious reformer. Inspired by Biblical sources, Winstanley argued in favor of a radical egalitarian society in which all men would live freely in communal villages, where property ownership, rent and wages were all abolished. His followers were originally called the True Levellers, but quickly became known as The Diggers.
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by Peter Kropotkin. ISBN: 978-1-934941-90-4. Paperback 6x9, 366pp, List Price $16.99.
The Great French Revolution is Peter Kropotkin's classic account of the history of the upheavels from 1789 to 1793. Although Kropotkin is best known as the chief theorist for the political theory of anarchism, he was also a highly educated man (a member of the Russian nobility), a skilled historian, and a compelling and powerful writer. This sweeping account is written not from the point of view of great leaders, politicians or speechmakers, but from the great mass of ordinary French people, who began the Revolution on their own and who, at every crucial stage, took to the streets on their own initiative to carry the Revolution forward, to end autocracy and introduce democracy.
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by Henry David Thoreau. ISBN 978-1-934941-85-0. Paperback 6x9, 284pp, List Price $14.99.
An anthology of writings from one of America's 's most famous naturalists and political activists. Contains "Walden", "Civil Disobedience", "Life Without Principle" and the unpublished "Reform and the Reformers". Preface gives a brief biography.
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by Thomas Paine. ISBN 978-1-934941-96-6. Paperback 6x9. 270pp. List Price $14.99.
An anthology of writings from Thomas Paine, including "Common Sense", "African Slavery in America", "An Occasional Letter on the Female Sex", "Agrarian Justice", "The Rights of Man", and "The Age of Reason". Paine's radical views on the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of women, the redistribution of wealth and social equality, and religion, made him an outcast even among his fellow American Revolutionaries. Even today, he remains the only major figure of the American Revolution who has no monument anywhere in Washington DC.
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Chicago Seven: Testimony From the 1968 Democratic Convention Conspiracy Trial
by Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, and others. ISBN 978-1-934941-35-5. Paperback 6x9, 208pp, List Price $12.99.
Part conspiracy trial, part political theater, the trial of seven activists who disrupted the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, was an iconic event of the 1960's. Here, from trial transcripts, are the testimony of Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, Bobby Seale, and others.
"This book will take you inside the courtroom through the actual transcript. Read what Abbie Hoffman actually said- not just a summary."
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